To a greater extend the view that dictatorial tendencies in Africa have their roots in pre-colonial political entities is valid. The way modern day African leaders rule indicates that they have traits of the pre-colonial chiefs’ way of rule. This assertion is evidenced by how the pre-colonial chiefs used to appoint their chiefs, how they appointed the board of elders and advisors which have a resemblance to what the current presidents are doing right now. The pre-colonial African chiefs would die in power and the kings were authoritarian in this way decision making lay in their hands which resembles the way of rule by the current presidents. In pre-colonial Africa resources were confined in the hands of royalty. To show loyalty paying tribute by commoners was one of the customs the pre-colonial states practiced which may be similar to current tax paying. Trade was also concentrated in the hands of the chiefs and it would mostly benefit them and one would relate to the current situ...
It is indeed a justified argument to postulate that African Traditional Religion played an important role in the Zimbabwe’s war of liberation. This is because during the liberation struggle there was the revival of the traditional religion. This is because in the eastern part of Zimbabwe there was the influence of spirit mediums who supported the war by participating in the recruitment of the war guerrillas, the spirit mediums are said to have stimulated the revival of the African Religion during the war and in this sense they inspired, informed, gave directions to strategic operations as well unifying the rural community and the war fighters. David Lan, also believe in the fact that the spirit mediums worked closely with the war guerrillas during the struggle.1 Daneel also thinks that the mediums were more in control of the war of the war effort than the ZANLA and ZIPRA liberation war fighters. McLaughlin also cites a Marxist guerrilla as crediting the mediums with sound military...