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Showing posts from January, 2020

How would you describe Wal-Marts “grand’ strategy?

A grand strategy is a comprehensive, long term plan of essential actions by which a film plans to achieve its major objectives. The key factors being are market, product or organizational development through acquisition, divestiture, diversification, joint venture or strategic alliances. According to Wal-Mart its grand strategy is that it used   the strategy of paying careful attention to its market segment of customers looking for quality at a bargain price that’s it followed a low margin and high volume sales strategy so to achieve its two main objectives which are, providing customers what they want, when they want it, all at a value and secondly, treating each other as they would hope to be treated, acknowledging their total dependency on their associate partners to sustain success. Porter described an industry as having multiple segments that can be targeted by a firm. The breadth of its targeting refers to the competitive scope of the business. Porter defined two...

Do a SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart. What are the company’s distinctive competencies?

THE SWOT ANALYSIS   STRENGTHS Marketing Aspect Wal-Mart emphasis is on its brand image that is providing the customers what they want, when they want it, all at a value and treating each other as they would hope to be treated. Wal-Mart has roughly 2500 stores in US, and then internationally it has bought 122 Canadian Woolco stores as at March 1994 which is set to grow drastically. In UK, it has a new firm base. Wal-Mart has excellent logistic system. They create the ideal one - stop shopping experience, due to the acquisition and conglomerate of its wide product range customers can do one stop shopping products, because in Wal-Mart there is all that the customer might need. Management Aspect Wal-Mart's policies and practices are designed to ensure an environment that is inclusive and equitable. They provide training on working with people, equal employment opportunities, leading skills, diversity and help to achieve career objectives. Wal-Mart has strong community - b...

Who are Wal-Mart’s major external stakeholders? Do a strategic constituency analysis creating a new figure that describes Wal-Mart as you understand it.

External stakeholders are individuals, groups and entities from outside that are affected by the consequences and outcomes of an organizations decision. External stakeholders include customers, supplies, government and communities. The external stakeholders of Wal-Mart henceforth are the customers, suppliers, communities, competitors and the unions. The strategic constituency analysis is an approach that suggests that an efficient organization is the one which fulfills the demands of these constituencies in its environment from whom it needs support for its survival. It assesses the effectiveness to satisfy multiple strategic constituencies both internal and external to the organization. This approach is ideal for organizations which rely highly on response to demand. The strategic constituency approach takes explicitly into consideration that the organizations fulfill multiple goals like workers, consumers and the local community. In these there opt to be a distinct interests vis-à-...


Kotler (2000 ) defines services as any act or performance that one party can offer to another   that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. He goes on to say that its production may or may not be tied to a physical product. Palmer (1994) defines services as the production of essentially intangible benefit either in its own right or as a significant element of a tangible product which through some form of exchange satisfies an identified consumer need. According to Wikipedia (1996a) A service is the non-material equivalent of a good. Kotler (2000) Services are intangible, inseparable, variable, and perishable. These aspects affect the design of the marketing management framework. Each characteristic poses challenges and requires certain strategies. Additional marketing approaches more than just traditional external marketing use of four Ps is applied. Services characterists aspects affect the design of the marketing management framework....

The nature and distinctive characteristics of service merit their own marketing and management framework. Discuss.

A service is an intangible product involving a deed of performance, or an effort that cannot be physically possessed. Services are usually provided through the application of human or mechanical effort directed at people or objects. Kotler (2000) defines services as any activities or benefits that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. He goes on to say that its production may or may not be tied to a physical product. Examples of services are education, hotels, Automated Teller Machines (ATM), car repair and many others. It is true that the nature and distinctive characteristics merit their management framework Services have four distinguishing characteristics which are intangibility, inseparability, perishebility and inconsistency Intangibility Services can not be touched, viewed, tasted, smelt or possessed before it is bought by the client. An example is the educational service provided by NUST, it is ...